
Always pay attention to abnormal phenomena and troubleshooting of wheelchairs

1. Pay attention to abnormal phenomena and troubleshooting of electric wheelchairs
1. Press the power switch and the power indicator does not light up: Check whether the power cord and signal cable are correctly connected. Check whether the battery is charged. Check whether the battery box overload protection is cut off and pops up, please press it.

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2. After the power switch is turned on, the indicator displays normally, but the electric wheelchair still cannot be started: Check whether the clutch is in the “gear ON” position.

3. When the vehicle is moving, the speed is uncoordinated or stops and starts: Check whether the tire pressure is sufficient. Check whether the motor is overheated, making noise or other abnormal phenomena. The power cord is loose. The controller is damaged, please return it to the factory for replacement.

4. When the brake is ineffective: Check whether the clutch is in the “gear ON” position. Check whether the controller “joystick” bounces back to the middle position normally. The brake or clutch may be damaged, please return to the factory for replacement.

5. When charging fails: please check whether the charger and fuse are normal. Please check whether the charging cable is connected correctly. The battery may be over-discharged. Please extend the charging time. If it still cannot be fully charged, please replace the battery. The battery may be damaged or aged, please replace it.

3. Maintenance and cleaning by electric wheelchair manufacturers

1. Manual brake (safety device): Always check whether the manual brake is adjusted normally. Pay attention to whether the wheels are completely stationary when using the manual brake, and tighten all screws and bolts.

2. Tires: Always pay attention to whether the tire pressure is normal. This is a basic action.

3. Chair cover and backrest: Use warm water and diluted soapy water to clean the chair cover and backrest, and avoid storing the wheelchair in a humid place.

4. Lubrication and general maintenance: Always use lubricant to maintain the wheelchair, but do not use too much to avoid oil stains on the floor. Perform general maintenance from time to time and check whether the screws and bolts are secure.

5. Please wipe the car body with clean water at ordinary times, avoid placing the electric wheelchair in humid places and avoid knocking the controller, especially the rocker; when transporting the electric wheelchair, please strictly protect the controller. When the controller is exposed to food or When contaminated by drinks, please clean it immediately and wipe it with a cloth dipped in diluted cleaning solution. Avoid using detergents containing abrasive powder or alcohol.

Post time: Jul-15-2024